Money Management For Everyone
Learn how to manage your money on your own time.
Tips & Checklists

How to Reach Major Money Goals With Small Wins

small wins

If you’ve had a hard time saving up for a dream vacation or new vehicle, you’re not alone. Sticking to a budget or saving for a major purchase is just plain hard for most people. Fortunately, our own brain chemistry plays a powerful motivational role when it’s time to take action. In order to achieve major money goals, learning how to harness your own brain chemistry’s power is key for success. In fact, a series of small wins is the quickest path to achieving major financial goals — no matter how large!

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Saving & Retirement

Retiree Statistics: How Spending Decreases with Age

retiree statistics and annual spending trends

When it comes to retirement goals, most folks are trying to save enough to maintain their current standard of living. However, retiree statistics researchers find a different spending pattern emerges over time than what they initially predicted. In fact, these unexpected retiree spending trends may be good news for your current investment plan.

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Ethical Investing: How Millennials Influence the Market

ethical investing

Many investors — particularly those born after 1982 — are looking at more than just financial statements to pick their investments. Learn more about the growing cohort who prospers financially through ethical investing choices.

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